Ke Stadium Cheras tuk World Marching Band Competition 2009. Huh!! It was stunning. Start lmbt cz ujan yg lebat. Abes basah mat yg tutup rumput kt padang bola tuh. Start competition at 9++. Each team must perform in 12mins. Mlm td cume 4 team je perfom cz tis is 1st prelim. 2nd prelim ari ni.
1st team was Garut Jawa Barat from Indonesia. Kepelikan bile derg march with 2 little boys. Wah!! Menarik..ape yg derg plan..ade 1 lagu yg biase aku dgr tp lupe da..sorry. Ops, sorry again..pix xde cz hp tgl lam keta.owh..2 little boys was one of the member. Not just a march n formation tp siap menari-nari bagai. Indon was great. The little boys main gendang..n one session yg derg menari tarian ala2 Jowo. Hehehe…2nd team performed was Wat Pnomh…ntah..lupe da..but team from Cambodia..ni pun siap bw pom2 girl yg dok main bendera… ala2 chinese performance yg ade bendera2 tuh.. menarik gak..siap ade lagu melayu..but again..lupe nama lagu.. hehehe.. owh, 12mins is count from d drum major conductor agree to start the performance.. so between before the performance start n after d conductor take a bow signing tat performance is finish..xkn dikira.. 3rd team is Thailand and followed by our Malaysian team.. Victoria Institution Cadet Cord Band.. Thai team..pergh..brape biji bas le yg bwk geng derg..tuh lom masuk instrument, percussions and all d props..byk giler babe.. trust me..ala2 tgk opening ceremony Sukan Komenwel. Siap ade cinta c pari2 plak.. tp kn muzik n performance band tuh mmg solid.. rentak dia..pergh!!!! xleh luah kt sini… Malaysian team? Was a good fight to Thailand. Klu Thai bwk minah2 dia tuk main flags n jd penyeri lam band derg, Malaysian Team is all boys.. mmg le boys.. sekolah VI. Kn skolah boys tuh.. tp x satu pun lagu yg VI main tuh aku kenal..hahaha..
The rating is given bout 20mins after Malaysian team performed. 1st of cz le Thai, followed by Malaysian, Cambodia n Indonesia. Ikot kn xperlu sgt pun semua dayang2 n flags2 tuh cz tis is marching band competition not a dance competition tp tuh le penyeri.. don’t know who will go to final cz 2nd prelim mlm ni start @ 8.30pm. Final is on Saturday @ 8.30pm also. Hey guys out there… jom ah join...1st prelim ni x ramai org pun..Masuk free arr..takut pe..siyes best.
Ops sorry to my bro Farid..tot u not in interest to watch this competition..mlm ni kita p tgk sama2 k…@ final ke..leh kelik lewat sket. Lepak KL pas tuh..hahaha..
Will update on Malaysia vs Vietnam for final football Sea Games @ Laos.Insyallah. Live @ TV3 at 6pm. Don’t forget to watch babe.. n do keep me update on d score..aku mmg x sempat nk tgk le, nk kejar kn p stadium lg..hehehe..owh…one of my fav is to watch live performance. Klu bola tuh..kena ade kt stadium le..br feel.. tgk kt tv? Aduyai..kdg2 angle tuh xkena gaya gn citarasa aku…hehehe..everybody has their own demand rite? Same gk aku..hihihi..